Serving Central Florida

Mobile Massage Services


Neuromuscular Massage

$150 – 60 min / $200 - 90 min / $250 - 120 min

Neuromuscular Massage Therapy is a focused and muscle specific modality that aims to address muscles in spasm that create dysfunctional patterns, pain and limited range of motion. A variety of soft tissue techniques may be applied during a session depending on the client and how their body responds. Stretching, trigger point, myofascial and active resistance to name a few. This body work is about goals and achieving results for better form and function.


Swedish Massage

$150– 60 min / $200-90 min / $250 - 120 min

Stress alone is a common cause of muscle tension, which can manifest itself in different ways, ranging from headaches, fatigue and poor sleep. Relaxation massage and gentle stretching should not be understated for its many benefits both mentally and physically. These work on the nervous system to improve a feeling of well-being by calming the parasympathetic nervous system.


Pregnancy Massage

$150 - 60 min

Prenatal Massage is a valuable self care tool that can help the expecting mother adjust to carrying a child for 40+ weeks. As the baby grows, aches and pains can develop from increased strain on the muscles, ligaments and tendons which may interfere with activity and sleep. Receiving massage throughout a mothers pregnancy has been shown to improve pregnancy outcomes, lower levels of anxiety and depression, reduce stress and improve sleep.

Vion Massage Therapy doesn’t charge by technique used or for any additional modalities that may be utilized. Instead, Vicki has found that it is best to only charge for time scheduled. All modalities used such as cupping, gua sha, stretching and neuromuscular therapy are all part of her tool box to effectively get results for you. In addition, if you would like to book a block of time and share with another person then that is also available. I have many clients that are couples that book for 2-3 hours and share the time.

 Complementary Techniques


Cupping Massage

Added in based on benefit to soft tissue if there are no contraindications for use.

Massage cups utilize negative pressure for stubborn areas of restricted connective tissue - fascia. Using gentle suction will increase the amount of oxygenated blood to the area. This modality also gently stretches the connective tissue for smoother movement of the layers below the skin.


Posture Correctives

Used as a diagnostic tool to analyze functional patterns and to monitor progress.

When postural distortions are detected, measurements will be taken and charted in order to identify the origin of these patterns that can be corrected due to over compensation, structural deficits or functional pain patterns. Lower Leg Length discrepancies are common and can lead to decades of pain if not recognized and addressed as part of the care plan.


Gua Sha

Added in based on benefit to soft tissue and client consent.

Gua Sha or as it is often referred to as “scrapping” is a soft tissue mobilization technique used for thousands of years in China and has been adopted/modified here in the west to break up adhesions in the fascia. By bringing in fresh oxygenated blood through friction, the fascia can become more pliable and move more smoothly against the surrounding tissue.

Music for YOUR Mood

You may enjoy the sound of flutes, thunderstorms, birds or your favorite band playing in the background. One of the many perks of having a massage treatment in your own home is having the freedom to choose what you listen to. I have clients that like to listen to Bon Jovi, Led Zeppelin or Bob Marley streamed during their time on my table. You may even enjoy listening to an audio book through your own headphones and that is great too.

personalized music